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Devotaj Sacred Arts

Reading: Rooting & Releasing

Reading: Rooting & Releasing

Regular price $72.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $72.00 USD
Sale Sold out

How do Email Readings Work?
Within a week, you’ll receive and email that contains an audio recording of your reading, photos of your cards, a brief description of the deck used, and a written summary of the reading.

If there’s a specific situation or area of your life that you’d like your reading to focus on, please share that information in the text area for that. Please don’t ask “yes/no” questions. Also please remember this is guidance not solutions.

Can I Schedule a Call to Discuss my Reading?
Currently readings are via email only.

Readings are non-refundable once delivered.
However, I do reserve the right to refuse any reading based on the content of the question/situation and will issue a full refund.

What if the Reading I Want is Sold Out?
You can actually select any of the spreads I offer when you request a reading. Just not in the reading notes area your preferred spread.

What Decks Will Be Used for My Reading?
Kohenet Ketzirah has a large collection of tarot and oracle decks.Her default deck is the Eht/Aht: a Netivot Wisdom Oracle, you can also opt for a tarot deck and Ketzirah will choose the deck that feels most resonant.

What is a Rooting & Releasing Reading?
This tarot and oracle card reading spread, designed by Kohenet Ketzirah, is perfect when you need guidance on where to dig in and where to let go. Great for thinking through the shmita year, big changes, new year, and birthdays.

  1. Root: What do you need to dig deeper into for nourishment, stability, and long-term growth?
  2. Stem: Where you are or could be growing right now? This might be a blind spot.
  3. Blooming & Releasing: What do you need to let go of, not in a negative sense — but to let grow and become something new on its own. This could be things that fed you, but now will do more by releasing them to develop outside of you.
  4. Leaf: What is the loving-kindness (chesed) you have or need to support/nourish your rooting and releasing?
  5. Leaf: What are the boundaries (gevurah) you need to set or the strength you need to own, to support your rooting and releasing
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